In a surprising turn of events, just two days after the expiration of the copyright on Disney’s earliest Mickey and Minnie Mouse characters, the iconic figures are set to star in a horror movie and game. According to US copyright law, character rights are limited to 95 years, and as of January 1st, anyone can utilize these classic Disney characters without permission or cost.
The horror movie, titled “Mickey’s Mouse Trap,” takes a chilling twist as Mickey becomes a menacing force, hunting down teenagers at an amusement park. Expected to release as early as March, the filmmakers indicate they have rapidly developed the project, awaiting only the copyright expiration to share their creation.
Simultaneously, a horror game titled “Infestation Origins” is in the works. Set in 1988, what initially appeared as a rodent outbreak takes a dark turn into a more sinister narrative. Notably, the game’s release date is scheduled before the much-anticipated GTA 6.
The rapid development of both the movie and game underscores the eagerness of creators to explore new, unexpected dimensions of these beloved characters, once restricted by copyright. The question remains: will audiences embrace or resist the transformation of the cheerful Mickey Mouse into a horrifying entity in these upcoming releases?