In a deeply unsettling documentary, Wendy Williams has opened up about her challenges, admitting to consuming an entire bottle of vodka and revealing a recent diagnosis of primary progressive aphasia and frontotemporal dementia. The film, spanning almost a year, sheds light on Williams’ erratic behavior, mental health struggles, and battles with alcohol abuse.
Williams, diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and aphasia, confronted her manager, personal assistant, and driver, berating and belittling them in various instances. The documentary captures poignant moments of Williams’ vulnerability, including instances of incoherent rambling and tearful breakdowns.
The former talk show host’s struggles with alcohol are a focal point, with her manager, Will Selby, attempting to address her drinking habits. Williams admitted to consuming an entire bottle of vodka in a day, highlighting the gravity of her battles with addiction.
The film delves into Williams’ financial concerns, family dynamics, and legal interventions, including the appointment of a financial guardian. Her son, Kevin Hunter Jr., defends himself against accusations of financial impropriety, emphasizing that all expenses were approved by Williams.
The documentary also reveals Williams’ cognitive decline, manifesting in confusion, emotional turmoil, and an inability to answer repetitive questions. Williams’ family members, including her son and nephew, express concern for her well-being, reflecting on the complexity of their relationship.
In a bizarre moment, Williams, on the verge of turning 60, admires her figure in a mirror, expressing excitement about a thigh gap. The film captures her emotional highs and lows, providing a raw and unfiltered look into her tumultuous journey.
As the documentary unfolds, it becomes evident that Williams’ health struggles are multifaceted, impacting her behavior, cognition, and emotional well-being. The revelation of her recent diagnoses adds a layer of understanding to the challenges she faces.
Williams’ team announced her diagnosis of FTD and aphasia in 2023, acknowledging the significant hurdles these health issues have presented in her life. The documentary, filmed from August 2022 until April 2023, concludes with Williams entering a treatment facility, where she remains to this day. The poignant portrayal raises questions about the intersection of fame, mental health, and personal struggles, prompting reflection on the challenges faced by public figures behind the scenes.