In a heartfelt moment during the unveiling of his Walk of Fame star, actor Zac Efron took a poignant pause to express gratitude to his colleague Matthew Perry, who was notably absent from the event. The two actors collaborated on the film “17 Again,” a project that left a lasting impact on Efron’s career.
Surrounded by applause, Efron acknowledged Perry’s kindness and generosity, emphasizing the profound influence Perry had on him during the filming of “17 Again.” He reminisced about the enjoyable collaboration and the fun they had working together under the direction of Burr Steers.
Efron credited Perry for being instrumental in propelling and motivating him, pushing him into the next chapter of his career. The actor expressed deep appreciation for Perry’s support and influence, recognizing the significant role the collaboration played in shaping his professional trajectory.
While Matthew Perry couldn’t be present at the ceremony, Efron made sure to publicly convey his gratitude, stating, “For that, thank you so much, Matthew—thinking about you a lot today.”
The unveiling event captured not only the celebration of Efron’s achievements but also served as a touching tribute to the collaborative spirit of the entertainment industry, where mentorship and camaraderie play pivotal roles in shaping the careers of emerging talents.