In a groundbreaking move, Tesla has astounded the internet with a sneak peek at the second generation of their Optimus robot, showcasing its impressive ability to handle delicate tasks such as carrying and handling eggs. Priced at approximately $20,000, the Optimus robot is not just a technological marvel but also an ethical assistant designed to alleviate humans from mundane chores.
Elon Musk envisions Optimus as an indispensable household companion capable of performing a wide array of tasks, from tidying up and making dinner to mowing the lawn, grocery shopping, and even providing assistance with the care of elderly family members. With a focus on tasks that humans may not find enjoyable, Optimus aims to redefine the concept of automated helpers.
Emphasizing the significance of Optimus in Tesla’s future, Musk stated that it will be the company’s most crucial product, contributing significantly to its long-term value. The latest generation of Optimus boasts Tesla-designed actuators and sensors, enabling it to walk 30% faster with a substantial 10 kg weight reduction. The robot also exhibits improved balance, as demonstrated in recent footage, and features brand new, dexterous hands.
Tesla plans to make the Optimus available for purchase at a cost of $20,000, with an additional option for hourly rentals. Elon Musk hinted last year that orders for Optimus could be accepted within the next three to five years, signaling a future where households might have their very own ethical robotic assistants.