Matthew Keith, a middle school teacher and avid Barbie collector, started his collection in the 1970s with his allowance money. Initially hiding them from his parents due to societal perceptions of the toys as not masculine enough, his collection has now grown to fill 22 feet of bookshelves in his Los Angeles home, valued at approximately $20,000. With a significant following on his Instagram account, “DollsOnTheBrain,” Keith is among many long-time collectors who have seen a surge in interest in Barbie collecting, driven by the recent advertising campaign and anticipation around the release of the “Barbie” movie.
While some seasoned collectors are delighted by the renewed interest in Barbie, others have voiced concerns about being priced out of the market due to an influx of new buyers. Prices of vintage Barbie dolls have climbed by around 25% in recent months, with the iconic “Holy Grail” Barbie from 1959 selling for thousands of dollars. The movie’s popularity has also sparked a significant increase in demand for Barbie appraisals, with people of varying experience in doll collecting seeking to assess the value of their finds. Some have stumbled upon valuable Barbies at thrift stores, like one person who discovered a doll worth over $10,000, or another who found one valued at $8,500 hidden in their mother’s house.
Despite the price surge, there are still valuable Barbies waiting to be discovered in thrift stores, making the hunt for these collectibles exciting for new and seasoned collectors alike. However, appraisers suggest that the current spike in interest may last only a few more weeks. The “Barbie” movie’s release is expected to boost the brand’s profits significantly, with retailers worldwide offering Barbie-themed products ranging from hotel suites to toothbrushes and apparel.
As for Matthew Keith, he remains optimistic about the impact of the Barbie movie on shifting societal norms. He hopes it will promote Barbie acceptance for everyone, especially young boys who might still feel pressured not to play with dolls. The surge in interest has breathed new life into Barbie collecting, attracting a diverse range of enthusiasts and enthusiasts-to-be who are eager to join the ever-growing Barbie-collecting community.